Consurtium of New Sub-Sahara African Medical Schools

History of consams

Founded 2011: Five Southern African Medical schools; Expanded 2015 & 2022: Include Sub-Sahara African Medical Schools.

CONSAMS – The “Consortium of New Sub-Sahara African Medical Schools” – was founded in 2011 under the original name of the “Consortium of New Southern African Medical Schools.” At an ensuing Annual General Meeting, it was decided to expand the organization to include members across the African continent and beyond southern
Africa – hence the name change from “Southern African” to Sub-Sahara African.

Today CONSAMS is rapidly expanding across Africa to include new medical schools that are within about 10-15 years of graduating their first class of medical students.

The Founding members of CONSAMS in 2011:

— University of Namibia School of Medicine (UNAMSoM);
— Faculty Health Sciences-Lúrio University (UNILURIO);
— Copperbelt University School of Medicine (CBUSoM);
— Lesotho Medical School/Faculty of Health Sciences (NUL);
— University of Turku (UTU), Faculty of Medicine, Finland;
— Vanderbilt University School of Medicine/ Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, Tennessee, USA.


A DOCTOR OF MY OWN, director by Trisha Pasricha as a Vanderbilt University medical study under supervision of her mentor Dr Quentin Eichbaum (a native of Namibia), explores the emerging stories of students at the newly-opened University of Namibia School of Medicine in Windhoek. Fresh out of organic chemistry, the students will trek to rural villages, training with patients who have never before met a doctor from their own country. The challenges are enormous–and so is the pressure. Some students will leave in the brain drain, never to return. Yet buried in the sea of endless patients and faced with unexpected responsibilities, a few may rise to find their calling. And if they do, medical education will revolutionize healthcare in Africa.

The documentary features interviews from key leaders in global health and medical education including: Dr. Julio Frenk (former Dean of Harvard School of Public Health), Dr. Quentin Eichbaum (Professor and Program Director, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine), and Dr. Philip Odonkor (former deputy dean, University of Namibia School of Medicine). Through interviews of students, allied health workers, and leaders in the field, the film captures first-hand accounts of the day-to-day battles of healthcare delivery and training new physicians in the country.